Home > Update > April 2014 is ’90s Nostalgia Month!

April 2014 is ’90s Nostalgia Month!

Alright, this was originally going to happen in March, but that didn’t end up panning out, so I decided to move it to April! First theme month of the year!

What does ’90s Nostalgia Month mean, exactly? It means that, for the month of April, I’ll be reviewing nothing but some of the most quintessential kids movies I watched from 1990 – 1999 — the time period in which I also started school until I was a 7th grader.

Now, not all of these movies will be universally loved by my fellow 90s kids. Heck, I might not even love them that much any more, myself, maybe not even then, but the movies I choose to review for this time period, I assure you, will be ones that I specifically remember being a pretty big part of my childhood. Examples? You want examples? Okay, well, I’ll give you a few hints of what I’ve got planned:

Space Jam - Michael Jordan

3 Ninjas - Rocky, Tum Tum, ColtSo… yeah, this should be pretty fun! In case you can’t wait, though, here’s a starter list for movies that I’ve already reviewed from the 90s — not all of them kids movies, but movies we watched as kids — that we all loved/hated but watched anyway as kids to whet your appetite!

Batman Returns

Batman Forever

Batman & Robin

Billy Madison

The Blair Witch Project



Home Alone

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Independence Day

Jingle All the Way

Jurassic Park

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Macross II: The Movie

The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Quest for Camelot



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  1. June 11, 2015 at 2:24 am